move from the past to the present tense: you can start over again.
start over again, addison road
I am usually not big into anything attached to a new year—it’s another overhyped occasion that literally means nothing—in the words of Bryce Avary, “Who says it has to be a new year to start a new year?” I try to start again every single day—because each time I do, I hopefully find myself farther away from where I was and closer to where I’m going. Unlike most years, I didn’t do a recap post on December 31st—I know I still will in my head, but I refuse to re-live last year again in writing.
I’m starting over. Again.
I’m alive.
I made one NY resolution, which is one more than usual, and it was made on the spur of the moment. It was to make the prep part of cooking a form of meditation. It’s going well, actually. #whatisthesoundofonecleavercleaving?
That’s the type of resolution I can get behind! It’s subjective and personally relevant–no fast and hard line of complete and incomplete :]. Awesome goal!
Totally agree with this! Waiting a whole year to be a different you is a waste of time and an excuse! The sooner the better!
THIS. Exactly! :]
Wishing you the best of everything in this new year. Lots of love, my friend.
Thanks, Mike! <3 I've got a pretty bad benchmark from last year, hopefully I can only go up!
Right back at you!