i crossed a line five years in the making
that the biggest eraser can’t clear.–this is the sweetest little song, butch walker.

Photo credit to Amber
Five years, and far more stories than I would have ever imagined.
Today, I close this chapter in the story and move on to the next one, with the storyline embedded deep within me.
These five years are worth far more than a piece of paper and these pictures. The last five years are the story, the experiences, the process. And this day, this piece of paper may symbolize that I can put the things I know onto papers and into practice, but only to an extent.
The degree, Bachelor of Physical and Health Education, implies much about what I have learned outside of myself: in no way can those six words even begin to indicate what I learned inside myself and what I—and those around me sharing this story–changed inside myself. And that the change inside me is far more crucial to my ability to connect with others than most things I could ever be assessed on.
The last five years are not about this moment: they are about the collection moments that lead me here.
connect the dots there is a picture in these linesmy favourite parts of life are in the nights of better sleep i never find.
but even if i don’t decide to chase my dreams, i won’t throw them away[…] i won’t forget everything i wen through to get herebut i haven’t decided if here is quite where i belong.—where i belong, farewell fighter
They are about the process.
The people.

Photo credit to Becki
The story.

And what’s ahead.
Note: I’ll be updating this post with more pictures/quotes over the next few days… Check back :].