i’m so glad to be here, this day has become sacred . . . i’m trembling with thankfulness . . .

who am i, who am i that You have brought me this far, this far?  who am i that You have brought me so far?

all those years of spoiled complaining . . . i said “it’s not enough”. and You have forgiven me for everything, everything. and You have given me everything, everything . . . it’s too much, it’s too much, You’re too much, You’re too much

who am i?

Thankfulness . . .

  • My SAVIOUR.  And how FAR Jesus has brought me.
  • My friends . . . near and far.
  • My family
  • The kids and my coworkers at my amazing job.
  • My respite girlies who teach me so much and make me see things differently–BETTER.
  • Cupcakes
  • My badassmatic asthma community
  • Canadian healthcare
  • Music and musicians who share their stories
  • LOVE.
  • That WE are the STORY being WRITTEN

What are you thankful for?