Last term was not a good one.  Final grades are in . . . and I never thought I’d have become a straight-F student while working so hard.

What gives? Two terms in a row and three Fs accumulated? Not good.  Two rounds of anatomy failed and to be potentially repeated yet again; one round of social psych never to be attempted again. Psych is evidently not my thing–goodbye potential thoughts of the double-major once again.

Fortunately, due to current faculty policy, I was able to get a waiver for the anatomy requirement for Scientific Principles of Fitness and Conditioning, which is among the few courses I need to graduate.  This is getting crazy, and I just want to get out of there. This term, I’ve already dropped Philosophy of Mind which was accompanying Scientific Principles and Sport Ethics, and picked up Introduction to University.

Because that is exactly what I need in the second term of my fourth year. Being taught how to write papers and use the library and all these “choose your own adventure” assignments. Exactly. What. I. Need.  */sarcasm.  Hoping this is an easy-A and I can offset some of those Fs in the GPA a little bit.

Rectification.  Rectifying what is spinning out . . . and hoping to make it right.

Spinning out . . . into the good.

In a e-mail discussion with Jay, regarding, in part, the “choose your own adventure” assignments, he suggested the idea of university wellness as my assignment topic.  I dug it a lot. I rolled with it. For the first time since last Fall, I am potentially excited about a paper/project topic, pending I just push myself through all of the boring lectures (where they do attendance. Attendance! University is not high school, as the instructor keeps saying . . . so stop trying to make it so).  Hopefully that turns out well, and helps somebody else think a little different about how they’re living their life.

Sidebar: Jay also has updated his guest blog post about the chaotic journey he has been going through health-wise for the last couple years, and the ensuing recoveries . . . underscoring what I’ve said to people in the past:

“We are every bit as resilient as our circumstances attempt to be.”

Realization: I need to apply that to myself.

Resilience.  And rectification.

My friend Mike started a thing called “Mirror Mantras”, where he posts a positive or motivating phrase on his bathroom mirror to keep him inspired throughout the week. I jumped on board (and now he writes on my Facebook wall to remind me it is Monday, or almost Monday :]).  Here’s the goodness for the week:


On the 12th of each month, a bunch of bloggers from around the world take 12 pictures of their day and blog them.  Here are my pictures for January 12th, 2013!


12:54 am – kitchen. Trying to actually do some non-blog journaling this year. Now it’s bedtime.


11:20 am – kitchen. Got some snow overnight.


2:26 pm – kitchen. Watching WheezyNews vlogs. “This is my preferred method of transportation.”


2:33 pm – kitchen. Mike and I discussing how boring our Saturday 12s will be. Go see his here!


3:08 pm – bedroom. Spent some time on Google Hangout today–second call about to start with Steve because we wanted to try it out–by the time I joined the hangout he’d already decked himself out with effects. Dia and I also did a Hangout call when Skype/Facebook failed us in the morning. I am in love with Hangouts. :]


6:08 pm – kitchen. Vegetarian tacos! I’m extremely boring and all I top the soy taconess with is cheese. So good.


6:28 pm – kitchen. Rocking my ugly sweatpants that you cannot see, so needed to rock my Tummietote to hold my iPod while doing dishes. Priorities, people. See also my epic Threadless shirt with the awesome organs hugging each other :].


7:03 pm – kitchen. I am never going to get an anatomy grade, am I?


7:52 pm – bedroom. Cleaning all of my empty inhalers out of the drawer in my bathroom. This is out of control. That blue Ventolin off to the side is actually probably nearly full but expires in a month. Total count, 47.


8:17 pm – bedroom. Moved onto a different drawer in my room. Seriously. Total count, 57. I haven’t been on Advair [purple] since September ’09, and FloVent [red/orange cap] since March ’09.

Total total: 104. This isn’t a complete number but pretty close. See also: tired of this! Cure please?


10:33 pm – kitchen. Been kind of lazy on the video blogs. Tomorrow.


11:54 pm – kitchen. This made me laugh. A lot. By myself.

some days go by, i wish i were famous. or maybe religious, so i could go to heaven just like you.

[…] I guess today’s going to blow us away.

21 and invincible, something corporate

There’s the perception that there is something awesome in every day so long as you find it.

I fully believe that there are Good Things in every day. I need to make myself more conscious of them.  And whether I am just succumbing further to the technology that surrounds me, or whether I am actually becoming more focused on what is around me, hopefully the goodness is double-edged within the newest project I’m working at: daily vlogs [or, as my cousin Dean has dubbed them “klogs” = kerri vlogs, as opposed to “funny Dutch shoes”.

So far I’ve eaten cupcakes two days in a row, acquired a Keurig and played Apples to Apples for an hour at work. I mean, this is goodness–we are only four days into the year, over here!

Now to work on defining some goals for 2013!

Time to move.