I learned the hard way that . . .
-Starting papers prior to two days before they are do is a really good practice
-10 PM on a Saturday is not a good time to run out of medicine
-9:50 PM on any day is also not a good time to realize that the refill you need? Yeah, it’s still at the pharmacy.
-Group projects are either really good . . . or a train wreck.
-Even in health communities, unfortunately, not everyone is who they say they are.
-It sucks to get all the way to Chicago and realize that your deodorant is at home. And then Chicago’s Oak Brook area is very devoid of all unscented deodorant [at least Tara and I got to go for a really long unsupervised walk to find the non-existent Walgreens out of the deal though].
-Sometimes you have to fight The System hard to be fully healthy and thus fully alive.
-Health professionals don’t know everything. Nor do they know what to do when they don’t know everything. . . they’re human after all.
-I am the only one in charge of my perspective and my feelings.
-The best friends pop up from the places you least expect it, and make a difference in ways you would never imagine. And sometimes you have to trip up in who you choose as friends to get there.
I like this list! And dude, roadtripping (which I am totally jealous of) is not reason to be skimping on the daily posts. I like reading them!