
As I was tweeting with Mike earlier about the difficulties he and I were having with this prompt, I was blank. I was so, so blind to the fact that I have been having an amazing conversation for the last twenty-four or so hours with friends, new and old, on Twitter. The thing about Twitter conversations is that there are so many that are so full of goodness, I often find myself lost in the ideas and not present in the conversation that builds these ideas.

I cannot recapture all of the conversation from last night with Jamie, Larry, Tom and Carrie Lynn, because there were too many ideas, too many tweets, and too long of an amazing discussion of an eruption of tweets, rapid-fire, between two countries–one state and two provinces, Twitter, the facilitator hepling to make our big, big world just a bit smaller. It spawned from my mention of trying to get myself to Toronto in August . . . and then the volcano erupted.

Chronic Roadtrip was born.  A journey being discovered, a plan being determined, a purpose being ignited. A spark we want to spread into a flame of empowerment for people with chronic diseases, like Jamie, Larry, Tom, Carrie Lynn and I.  Except they [ahem: Tom] are going to steal my pancreas as mine is kickass [read: I don’t have diabetes], whereas I’m going to cough while their pumps and meters beep, and Larry’s guide dog Keeta barks.  It’s gonna be an epic chorus in our adventure, wherever it goes.

There is very little solidly determined to formulate a road map, and very little I can say, especially at this point in the journey.

If we are even to make it happen it may involve August, an RV and plenty of adventure with a purpose: education and empowerment.

Ready, set, go, go, go!

2 thoughts on “chronic roadtrip – #hawmc day 8

  1. Ooh, roadtrip! Where do these people live? Are you going to have to take a roadtrip to even get to each other? Also, wanna come with on my roadtrip across the US (and back thru Canada) that I’m dying to have? As of now I have a friend who said she’d love to do it with me when we’re 55, tho plans may change 😛

    1. Just come join us! There are so far three of us who are okay to be on the road and two of the group in a support role off the road. But because things may change, I think we need about 6-8 people in our road team. We’re still in extremely preliminary planning stages and it depends on funding, but you’ll hear more as it unfolds, if we’re able to roll it out! The hope is to get sponsors to help cover our expenses and the initial transport to the start-point, wherever that may be!

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