I’m currently in the midst of juggling school, writing a paper, falling further behind in readings, navigating some other stuff, work and picking up where I left off after an intense weekend away at the youth retreat — sometimes picking up after just a couple days away feels like picking up after so much longer.
in an e-mail I got from Jay [my prof] today about some of the above, he added these quotes to the end:
“Learning is how children use experience to modify behaviour. Play is how children use behaviour to modify experience”
“Even in the midst of our own struggles, we can offer encouragement. Even during our personal low periods, we can continue to try and be a mentor to those around us. If we are honest about what we are facing, we can offer hope to others that they are not alone.”
–John Wooden
Total resonation.
I dislike that you're worrying so much now about all this stuff. You've always had a jammy knack at making things fall in to place, like all the juggling you're currently doing, although I do wonder if cutting back a few work hours could be your option and allow you some chill out time to yourself. I remember when I was at Uni, I still tried to keep my job going, worked a couple of evenings and all day Saturday in a grocery store, then church choir took up all of my Sunday. I had no social life and no time to myself. Like you I lived at home so I didn't have the 'looking after myself pressures' but it was still a hard slog to get everything done.
Lots of prayers and hugs coming your way. At least you do have stability in your health. I missed many large chunks and had to repeat my second year due to my asthma being so bad. Fingers crossed you'll get through this winter without any blips now that you've got good meds.
You can do it Don't worry! xx
At this point, I’ve booked off a bunch of time in December for exams, but as for next term I have to really look at again when I’m able to work. The whole balance thing has gotten better since writing this, and there are always times that are much busier than others. I think my main concern is that it makes me wonder how I’ll do during postgrad when there even more work involved. Cross that bridge when I come to it!