On November 30th, my very awesome uncle and aunt gave me an iPhone 4 (I say this to both note their awesomeness, and attribute to my success at this attempt of the 365 project to the iPhone).

Avalanche, in the blink of a year.

From December 1, 2013 to November 30th, 2014, I took a picture a day for 365 days. I called this 365 Project [my first successful attempt of about 18 incompletions] “People + Things”, inspired by the Jack’s Mannequin album of that title.
In 2013, I also began the creation of a “Life Soundtrack”, compiling a playlist of songs that resonated within my life throughout the year. Avalanche by Sons of the Sea was the last song of my 2013 soundtrack. From there, I included (mostly in order, but with a few omissions and deviations from the playlist order) tracks from my 2014 soundtrack.

Refer to my 2014 soundtrack post for more.