some days go by, i wish i were famous. or maybe religious, so i could go to heaven just like you.

[…] I guess today’s going to blow us away.

21 and invincible, something corporate

There’s the perception that there is something awesome in every day so long as you find it.

I fully believe that there are Good Things in every day. I need to make myself more conscious of them.  And whether I am just succumbing further to the technology that surrounds me, or whether I am actually becoming more focused on what is around me, hopefully the goodness is double-edged within the newest project I’m working at: daily vlogs [or, as my cousin Dean has dubbed them “klogs” = kerri vlogs, as opposed to “funny Dutch shoes”.

So far I’ve eaten cupcakes two days in a row, acquired a Keurig and played Apples to Apples for an hour at work. I mean, this is goodness–we are only four days into the year, over here!

Now to work on defining some goals for 2013!

Time to move.

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